YouTube Consultant Roles

What kinds of YouTube consultant/manager jobs or roles are there?

There are many different types of YouTube channels, so there are many different kinds of jobs that people can do. There are no official names, but here is an effort to define some of them. This is NOT a complete list. Often these jobs are hybrid jobs, where the responsibilities of some roles are combined with others. No two jobs are exactly alike. Also note that these are NOT jobs at YouTube the company, but rather for businesses and individuals that make content on the YouTube platform.

  • YouTube Consultant
    An external contractor who can work on some or many of the different parts of YouTube. Usually this person comes in and fulfills the areas where the in-house team is lacking, and coordinates with team members that are already managing these areas. The YouTube Consultant can help guide YouTube strategy or manage the channel like a channel manager, or both.
  • YouTube Ad Strategist
    An external or in-house person who specializes in YouTube ads. This may include ad script writing and content production, and usually includes targeting and campaign setup and ongoing campaign management. Often it includes landing page management and campaigns metric tracking within both YouTube Analytics and Google Analytics. Often requires setup of campaign tags on website.
  • YouTube Coach
    A YouTube Coach is someone who regularly advises clients who want to grow their YouTube channels. The Coach doesn’t manage or work on tactical projects.
  • Creator
    Someone who makes YouTube videos and other creative content on social media. Creators can also create content or manage channels as a team of on-screen talent or presenters.
  • Influencer
    A creator who earns revenue based on their YouTube or social media content. This person may do this full-time and may have large businesses that hire other staff, including YouTube consultants.
  • Brand Ambassadors
    Someone who is paid to represent the brand. This could be considered an influencer who does videos about the business on their own channel. Or they could do videos for the business channel. Or they could simply be an affiliate with a fancy name. Or they could work full time as a video spokesperson. And more.
  • Video Editor
    Edits videos for YouTube, and exports content variations for other social media.
  • Channel Manager
    Usually optimizes YouTube video metadata, thumbnails and more. Could include script writing, topic research and SEO, launch dates, training of staff, and act as an arbiter of content value.
  • Video Spokesperson
    An in-house or part-time/contractor who is the on-screen talent or presenter for a business or brand. Sometimes this person also edits videos.
YouTube Consultant